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Show whether the record is find by Name or EmpID

Anonymous User235819-Jun-2013
Hi Everyone,

My line of code as following.

using (SqlConnection myDatabaseConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString.ConnectionString))
    using (SqlCommand mySqlCommand = new SqlCommand("Select EmpID, Name from Employee WHERE EmpID = @EmpID OR Name = @Name ", myDatabaseConnection))
        mySqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EmpID", textBox1.text);
        mySqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", textBox1.text);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(mySqlCommand);
        dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; 

Sample database

EmpID          Name
4001              Johnny Bravo
4002              Bruce Smith
4003              Vince Walker

When I type 4001 on the textBox1 this is the result

EmpID          Name
4001              Johnny Bravo

And when I type Bruce Smith on the textBox1 this is the result

EmpID          Name
4002              Bruce Smith

What I need is to show whether the record is find by EmpID or Name. For example I type 4003 the textbox or label, etc will be like "The record is found by EmpID" .

And when I type Vince Walker it will be like "The record is found by Name" .

Any help would be amazing thank you!

Updated on 19-Jun-2013
I am a content writter !

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